Saturday 3 August 2013

How to Exercise after a C-Section?

Cesarean delivery — also known as a C-section — is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen and a second incision in the mother's uterus.
A C-section might be planned ahead of time if you develop pregnancy complications or you've had a previous C-section and aren't considering vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). Often, however, the need for a first-time C-section doesn't become obvious until labor is under way.

1) Wait at least six weeks after surgery to start an exercise routine, even if you were in great shape before the pregnancy. Carrying a baby and giving birth can be traumatic for your body, and following this with surgery makes relaxation during the recovery period even more crucial.

2) Talk to your doctor before you start working out again. You will probably need to be seen by your doctor at least once after your c-section to ensure that your body is healing properly. Let your OB/GYN know that you would like to start working out again, and ask when it would be okay.

3) Walk around your neighborhood. Not only is this a light enough activity to get you gradually back into exercising after surgery, but it allows you to bring your baby in a stroller. It also ensures that the two of you get outside for fresh air, which can be a challenge during the first few weeks after birth.

4) Do pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels. These can strengthen the pelvic muscles, which are used to stop urine flow, and can be performed anywhere.

5) Contract your abdominal muscles regularly to begin toning the area after a c-section. Like the Kegel exercises, ab contractions can be done anywhere, and allow you to slowly get back your shape without hurting yourself.

6) Perform crunches to start exercising stomach muscles after a c-section. Remember that you cannot spot reduce weight, so you will need to mix cardiovascular exercise and muscle toning moves to get flat abdominal results.

7) Take part in a sport that is known for being gentle on the joints while also whipping you into shape, such as swimming or water aerobics. Use an elliptical or exercise bike at the gym to avoid joint pain.

Make sure that you do not have diastasis of the rectus abdominis before you perform any abdominal workouts. This occurs when your abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy, and do not meet in the middle again afterward. You will need to do modified workouts until this issue is fixed.

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